This is what haunts me, especially during the harsh winter. It seems that open water will never come fast enough. The ghost fish swims in a more complex habitat then it's earthly cousins, and is a mean S.O.B.

Musky Mayhem Mayhem

One of my many photographs of the infamous Cowgirl was used as a shirt design for the company Musky Mayhem. The first photograph is of the fishing lure in studio. With a little studio magic and retouching, I shot the lure in it's underwater action without being in the water. Next image is the shirt design. It's always a pleasure to work with Carrie at Mayhem. 

Musky Nuts! 
You might recognize this picture from the 2013 Musky Hunter magazine calendar. The picture/musky is from a trip to Detroit Lakes a couple of years ago. Caught on a gold Medussa. The timing couldn't have been better. The light was perfect, with the sun going down after a long day of fishing and a big fish at the end of your line! 

Musky Head
Recently had a request to send out photographs of musky heads. This was a few that made the edit.

Reclusive fishing and the sounds of Godspeed! You Black Emperor.

2012 October sucker fishing in far north west MN.
A pictorial of a yearly fishing excursion with my pops and guide Gregg Thomas.

 A 2012 catalog I worked on with designer  Chris Gach with the guys at Custom X and Big Game Tackle. I had the opportunity to shoot and hang out at the workshop were these great baits are made. Since then the two companies separated. You may have been lucky enough to get your hands on one of the catalogs during the 2012 musky show season across the U.S.  I made the background for the Custom X studio shot, a lot of work but tons of fun, even got a couple of custom painted 5" scubas to try on the Chain this year.